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Aquatic Plants - Hardy Marginals

Varigated Sweetflag Acorus calamus varigata/ Varigated Sweetflag - Green and white iris-like leaves 2.5' tall. It is scented and grows in depths from-0-5" "1.5 gal" / #400C
  Acorus graminus 'Ogon'/ Golden Japanese Sweetflag - Bright yellow stripes on light green leaves. It does well in sun or shade. The plant has a dwarf evergreen form. Grows well in depths from +4 to -1. "1 gal" / #300C
  Acorus graminus varigata/ Japanese Rush - Green and white grass-like clumps 10" tall. It is also scented and grows well in depths from +4 to -1. "1 gal" / #300C
Baumea rubiginosa varigata/ Varigated Rush - Stiffly upright to 2', vertical yellow stripe on each leaf. It tolerates some shade and grows well in depths from 1-6". "1 gal" / #300C
  Caltha palustris/ Marsh Marigold / Native - Grows well in depths 0 to 6" above "1 gal" / #300C
Carex psuedocyparus/ Gray Sedge / Native - Vigorous, gray-green grass-like foliage to 15". It has a Burr - like seed head. Will grow well in depths from 0-6". "1 gal" / #300C
  Carex x. Bowles Golden/ Bowles Golden Sedge - Grows well in depths -1 to 6" above "1 gal" / #300C
  Dulichium arundinaceum/ Three Way Sedge / Native - Midgreen leaf blades 1/2" long on 1.5' stems. It is not overly invasive and grows well in depths from 0-4". "1 gal" / #300C
Dulichium arund. varigata 'Tigress'/ Varigated Three Way Sedge / Native - Delicate streaks along the leaf margin and white stripes on the nodes of the stem. Grows well in depths 0 to 4" above "1 gal" / #300C
  Eleocharis Montevidensis / Spike Rush - Bright green, grass-like reed. It is a full clumping plant that grows well in depths from 0-2". "1 gal" / #300C
Equisetum hyemale/ Horsetail Reed/ Native - Hollow rush-like plant with green stems that have black bands at joints. It will grow 3' tall and does well in depths from 0-6". "1 gal" / #300C
Equisetum scirpoides/ Dwarf Horsetail Reed - Clumped dark green jointed stems that get to 3-4" tall, like a grassy carpet. It will grow well in depths from 0+. "1 gal" / #300C
Eriophorum angustifolium/ Cotton Grass/ Native - Tufted plant with grass-like leaves which support slender stems of cotton-like flowers in spring. It will grow to 12-15" tall and does well in depths from 0-2". "1 gal" / #300C
  Glyceria maxima varigata/ Sweet Manna Grass - Not For Sale in MA - Glyceria Maxima 'Variegata' Sweet Manna Grass Grassy foliage green & white striped with a tinge of pink in Spring. It is a very vigorous grower. It will grow to 24" tall and does well in depths from +4 to -4". "1 gal" / #300C
  Hemerocallis fulva/ Tawny Daylily/ Native - Arching green foliage with orange flowers born on tall spikes. It is a vigorous grower that stands abuse. It will grow well in depths from +4 to -4". "1 gal" / #300C
  Hibiscus moscheutos/ Water Hibiscus - Available in 1 yr, 2 yr, and 3 yr - Small woody shrub flowers in July and August with large pink, white or red flowers. Can tolerate some shade and is adaptable to slightly brackish waters. Grows well in depths -2 to 6" above "1 gal" / #300C -"2.5 gal" / #1000C
  Houttuynia cordata/ Green Houttuynia - Heart-shaped bluish-green leaves with reddish stems. It has cute small creamy white flowers. It is a vigorous grower that does well in depths from 0-4". "1 gal" / #300C
Houttuynia cordata varigata/ Chameleon Plant - Heart-shaped leaves that range in color: blue, red, cream, green. The stems are reddish. Small creamy white flowers. It will grow well in depths from 0-4". "1 gal" / #300C
Hydrocotyle verticillata/ Water Pennywort/ Native - Round leaves that are slightly scalloped and are 1-2" dia. It is a fast growing plant that does well in depths from 0-2". An aquatic “groundcover”. "1 gal" / #300C
  Juncus Effusa / Common Rush/ Native - Stiff green, pith-filled, round stems will reach 2' with insignificant flowers. It will grow well in depths from 0-6". "1 gal" / #300C
  Juncus effusa glauca / Blue Rush/ Nativar - Stiff blue, pith-filled, round stems will reach 2' with insignificant flowers. It will grow well in depths from 0-6". "1 gal" / #300C
  Juncus effusa 'Gold Strike' / Gold Strike Rush/ Nativar - Vertical yellow stripes on narrow green spikes. It is suitable for colder climates. It will grow well in depths from 0-6". "1 gal" / #300C
  Juncus inflexus 'Afro' / Blue Corkscrew Rush - Blue pith-filled, round twisted stems can reach up to 1.5'. It holds the corkscrew shape well and will grow in depths from -3 to 6" above "1 gal" / #300C
  Lobelia Cardinalis / Cardinal Flower / Native - Red tubular flowers cluster on stalks 2-4' tall. It has alternate lancelote leaves and tolerates some shade. Will grow well in depths from +3 to -1". "1 gal" / #300C
  Lysimachia num. / Oxygenator / Moneywort - Not For Sale in MA - Green whorled leaves with bright yellow flowers. It’s useful for coping, “Ground” cover or fully submerged as an oxygenator/ OK for shade/ Depth 0-6". "1 gal" / #300C
  Lysimachia num. aurea/ Golden Moneywort - Not For Sale in MA - Slower growing Moneywort with clear yellow foliage - all the benefits of Moneywort but does not flower as freely so is less likely to spread to other parts of the garden. Grows well in depths -1 to 6" above "1 gal" / #300C
  Mentha aquatica / Water Mint - Fragrant green leaves with lilac flowers in late summer. It can be invasive. It will grow well in depths from 0-6" - great for vegetative filtration. Great for bees. "1 gal" / #300C
  Mentha aquatica var. crispa/ "Curly" Water Mint - Textured, ruffled leaves with small pink flowers in late summer. Not as fragrant as Water Mint but more intricate texture. Great for bees. "1 gal" / #300C
  Meyanthes trifoliata / Bogbean/ 3ppp/ Native - Also available in a Speciman- Three-leafed foliage with a light pink star - shaped, fringed flower. It will grow well in depths from 0-6". Cut back annually to fill in. "1 gal" / #300C - "2.5 gal"/#1200SC
  Mimulus ringens/ Lavender Monkey Flower/ Native - Mimulus ringens Lavender Monkey Flower Soft green foliage that clasps square stems about 2 ½’ tall. Paired snapdragon like flowers In a range of lavender shades from June thru Sept. Grows well in depths -1 to 6" above. "1 gal" / #300C
  Myosotis palustris / Water-Forget-Me-Not - Not For Sale in MA - Thick mat of small green leaves and tiny blue flowers. It will cover pool edge & -Not water surface. It is also OK for shade and grows well in depths from 0-4". 6" / 600AZ
  Oenanthe jav. varigata / Varigated Water Celery / Caution - Celery-like plant with variegated leaves with pink edge. Excellent, aggressive natural filtration plant. It will grow well in depths from 0-6". "1 gal" / #300C
Golden Club Orontium aquaticum / Golden Club / Native / Available in 1 yr- 4 yr - Unusual white pencil-like flowers with yellow tips. It has elongated leaves that are dark green. It will grow well in depths from 0-10". "1 gal" / #300C - "2.5 gal"/#1200SC
  Peltandra virginica / Arrow Arum /1 yr plant/ Native / Availve in 1 yr - Specimen - Dark green arrow-shaped leaves. It is Native to North America. The blooms are pale green and arum-like and will have lime green berries after it flowers. It will grow well in depths from 0-6" and form a neat clump. "1 gal" / #300C - "2.5 gal"/#1200SC
  Phalaris arund. Feecy's / Tricolor Ribbon Grass - Not For Sale in MA - This spreading grass with light green and white leaves will get 2' tall. It has pink highlights and is OK for shade. It will do well in depths from 0-6". "2 gal" / #600C
  Phalaris arund. Picta / Varigated Ribbon Grass - Not For Sale in MA - This aggressive grass with light green and white leaves will get 2' tall. It is very colorful and is Ok for shade. It will do well in depths from 0-6. "2 gal" / #600C
  Pontaderia cordata / Purple Pickeral Rush/ Native / Also available in Specimen - Glossy deep-green heart-shaped leaves on 2' stems. It has 6" spikes of blue flowers and will grow well in depths from 0-10" 8x5 / #350C - 16x7 / BP-167
  Pontaderia cordata alba / White Pickerel Rush/ Native - Glossy deep-green heart-shaped leaves on 2' stems with 6" spikes of white flowers It will grow well in depths from 0-10" - selected and propagated vegetatively for best color. 8x5 / #350C
  Pontaderia Cordata 'Pink Pons' / Pink Pickerel Rush/ Nativar / Also availabe in Specimen - Glossy lighter green leaves than above. They grow to about 2' with lavender-pink flowers held above the foliage. 8x5 / #350C - 16x7 / BP-167
  Ranunculus flammula/ Lesser Spearwort - Masses of buttercup yellow flowers, but unlike buttercups, the leaves are undivided and spear-shaped. The red tinged stems can root at the leaf junctions. Will bloom all summer if deadheaded. "1 gal" / #300C
  Sagittaria latifolia / Arrowhead / Native - A native with light green arrowhead-shaped leaves. The flowers are white with 3 petals. It will do well in depths from 0-6" and reseeds aggressively. "1 gal" / #300C
  Saururus cernuus / Red Stemmed Lizards Tail/ Native - Pendulous spikes of white flowers to 6" long. The heart shaped leaves turn color in fall. It has reddish stems and is quite colorful. It will do well in depths from 0-6". 8x5 / #350C
Saururus cernus "Albiform"/ White Stemmed Lizards's Tail/ Native - Denser and more compact. The light green stems and petioles contrast sharply with above. We introduced this selection. It will do well in depths from 0-6". 8x5 / #350C
Scirpus Albescens / Striped Bullrush/ Nativar - Tall rush-like stems vertically striped white & pale green. It will grow to 4'. The tops have brown flower tufts in summer and it will do well in depths from 2-6". "1.5 gal" / #400C
  Scirpus Zebrinas / Zebra Rush/ Nativar - Tall rush-like stems that are banded green and white. It will grow to 42". The tops have brown flower tufts in summer. It will do well in depths from 2-5". "1.5 gal" / #400C
Thalia dealbata / "Hardy" Thalia - Leaves are bluish, Canna-like and dusted with white powder. The panicles of violet flowers are held higher than leaves. It is an excellent architectural specimen. It will grow well in depths from 1-5" but sprouts late so be patient. Attracts Hummingbirds. "2.5 gal" / #1000C
  Typha angustifolia / Narrow - Leaf Cattail / Native - Narrow-Leaf Cattail Gray-green leaves are 1/2" wide and can reach 6' tall. The male flower is separated from the female by 1" of stem. It will grow well in depths from 0-6". "2 gal" / #600C
  Typha latifolia / Common Cattail / Native - Gray-green flat leaves are 1" wide and can reach 8' tall. It is very invasive and will do well in depths from 0-6". "3 gal" / #1200C
Typha Iatifolia varigata / Varigated Cattail - Variegated Cattail With beautiful green & white variegated leaves it is less vigorous than common cattail. They will reach 4' tall and will grow well in depths from 0 - 6". "2 gal" / #600C
  Typha laxmannii / Graceful Cattail - Very slender dark-green leaves reaching 3'. It will grow well in depths from 0-6". Great for the small to medium pool. "1.5 gal" / #400C

Last Updated 5/15/2018

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